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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Python Soup

Sharing photos of a wild python hunt got two Chinese brothers arrested
Image: weibo 

Brothers boast online about hunting wild python for soup, get arrested

By Alicia Tan

If you're going to resort to breaking the law, you might want to make sure you don't share the incriminating evidence.

Two brothers hailing from from Bobai County in Guangxi, China, were arrested a day after posting pictures online of themselves hunting, killing, cooking and eating a wild python, which is under first-level state protection.

According to People's Daily, the brothers, surnamed Guan, had encountered the three metre long snake that weighed 15 kilograms during the Qingming festival on April 5 while tomb-sweeping.

They then decided to capture and kill the snake for its meat.

Image: weibo
The Guan brothers documented the whole process of taking the python home, washing it and then boiling it in a pot of soup.
Image: weibo
Following the event, the Guans uploaded the photos onto Weibo to boast about their conquest, but ended up attracting forest police's attention instead.
Image: weibo
Both brothers were tracked down within 24 hours and arrested for the illegal hunting of endangered animals.
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Image: weibo


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